Classic 2 server News

Event - Freya's invitation

Valentine's Donation Bonus

Valentine's Double Weekend and Cloak!

Battle to Go Downin History

Server updates
Constant updates based on players progress

Improved class balance

Hardcore Epics
Pvp zone on Epic Bosses for hardcore battles!

No P2W shop
Your skill is your only advantage
Game Worlds
Welcome home! Dion x3
Dion x3 is a perfect choice if you want to get back to Classic origins and live through Hardcore experience of your favorite game once again. Balance changes, made through the years based on players experience and implemented on Dion x3 server, will help everyone enjoy the game as never before.
Experience and dedication. project is working for more than 7 years to provide all our players with the best Lineage 2 Classic can have. New chronicles updates, custom events, contests, players support, never ending advertisement - everything to make our server a great home for players.
Largest community, best community. By joining our family, you will join the largest Classic community from all over the world. Content for hardcore players and casuals. Action at every time of the day and night. Legends are not born every day. Don`t miss your chance to become one. Join our Dion x3 server and build your legacy among thousands of players around the world.
真经典. 真硬核.
话之岛 x3
话之岛是硬核粉丝最佳服务器。在游戏商店,只有x3价格,无任何EXP提升,因此游戏过程中取得进展并实现游戏价值变得有趣而激动。 服务器概念的微小变化(与我们用户同意)正在帮助服务器保持平衡和硬核的精神。
发展永无停止。从服务器1.0编目开始,我们走了一段长道路,在此期间内安装了5个更新。 我们将不断为您提供新的内容及更新、尽快提高游戏水平,以便您在整个游戏过程中都能体验新的区域和新功能。 永无止境的广告活动将继续帮助吸引新玩家。
不管你是谁,不管你在哪里。 本来,我们的服务器是欧洲服务器玩家们而开的,不过过了几年就聚众了来自世界各地的用户。 来自欧洲,美洲,亚洲的玩家选择L2Classic.club作为他们的家。联盟,战争,阴谋,一天不如新一天。 不要因服务器年龄而吃惊,每天都有新玩家加入游戏。并且由于成就系统和新手奖励,新玩家很快就能加入一场大战。