User agreement
Conditions relating to use of the Service

Agreement on the terms of use of information - entertainment portal


This Agreement is intended to govern the relationship between the user and the copyright holder of the Internet portal


1. Terms used.

2. Subject of the Agreement.

3. The procedure for entry into force of the Agreement.

       4. Rights and obligations of the parties

       User rights.

       User Responsibilities.

       The user has no right.

       Operator Rights.

       Responsibilities of the Operator.

       Limitation of liability of the Operator.

       The operator does not guarantee.

5. Confidentiality and security.

6. Additional Paid Services.

7. Disclaimer of Warranties

8. Additional provisions.

9. Refund Policy

10. Privacy Policy and Data Protection


The operator - the copyright holder of the portal, is a party to the User Agreement. The operator administers and maintenance, provides users access to the portal, services (also paid services), under the terms of this agreement.

User - an individual visiting the portal or participating in the portal projects.

The User, as well as the Operator, is a party to the Agreement.


Portal - special software and hardware systems located on the Operator’s resources. Users access to the portal is carried out only by the Operator. All rights to use this portal belong exclusively to the Operator.

Site - a site located on the Internet at

Services - providing Users access to the Portal, using the capabilities and services, participating in projects under the conditions specified in the Agreements. Operator services are provided free of charge. Exceptions are only Additional Paid Services. All Services are provided by the operator only inside the Portal, i.e. during its use by the User.

Additional Paid Services - providing the User additional special features of the Portal for a fee. These services are optional and provide at the request of the User. Paid Services are also provided by the Operator exclusively inside the Portal.


2. Subject of the Agreement


2.1. The Operator provides access to the Portal (Services, Services, Paid Services) to an unlimited circle of persons, under the terms of this Agreement.


2.2. The User is aware that the main purpose of the portal projects of the  is to organize by the Operator with leisure and entertainment activities that are in no way connected with gambling.


3. Procedure of entry into force of the Agreement


3.1. From the moment of acceptance of this Agreement, the User has the rights and performs the duties specified in the text of this Agreement.


3.2. The user accepts and agrees to the terms of this Agreement by registering on the website: The fact of acceptance means the complete and unconditional accepting by the User of all the conditions and attachments of this Agreement.


3.3. If the User for any reason does not agree with the terms or attachments of this Agreement, he is obliged to stop further use of the Site.


3.4. Use of the Site is possible only after the acceptance of this Agreement by the User.


3.5. By accepting this Agreement, the User confirms his legal capacity, the right to conclude this Agreement. The operator is not required to verify the data specified by the user during registration.


3.6. If in order to use the infotainment portal or to participate in the portal projects, it is necessary to create an account (hereinafter “the Account”), then the User must go through the registration process by providing to the Operator up-to-date, complete and accurate information (including email address) in the appropriate form. In case of posting on the portal messages about participation in affiliate programs, the registered User has the right to participate in contests, sweepstakes, competitions on the partners' Website.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties


4.1. User rights


In accordance with this agreement, the User has the right:

To use the Portal only for personal, non-commercial purposes.

To use all services, resources (including Additional Paid Services) provided by the Operator.

If necessary, to use the technical support of the sites, to contact the Operator for any questions through the contact information or feedback form.

Gratis (excluding the provision of Additional Paid Services) use the site and participate in the projects of the Portal.


4.2. User Responsibilities


Observing the terms of this agreement, the User must:

Indicate reliable information when registering on the Site.

Independently take all necessary measures to ensure the effective security of your personal account. Do not provide access to it to third parties.

If necessary, at the request of the Operator, provide confirmation of their personal data specified on the Site at the time of registration.

Follow the instructions of the Operator within this Portal.

Do not violate the copyright and intellectual property rights of the Operator located on its Portal.

Follow all without limitation the terms of this Agreement.

The User agrees to use the Portal for entertainment purposes only, without pursuing the receipt of any benefits from the Portal.


4.3. User is not allowed


Using the Operator's Portal, the User is not entitled:


To use errors (bugs) of the site, to receive not authorized access to common database and computer system, change the program code. The user is prohibited from using malicious programs that can harm the Portal, as well as special software that gives him superiority over other users. If such and similar violations are detected, the Operator has the right to impose penalties on the User, including a ban on access to sites and account deletion.

To register more than one account, as well as use identical credentials (including name, place of residence, wallets / payment system numbers) for two or more accounts. Such a violation qualifies as a “Multi-Account” and is punishable by blocking all accounts owned by the User, regardless of his reputation, status, position and availability of funds. Compensation of funds spent by the User for Additional Paid Services is not provided.

Register, as well as use (log in) in two or more accounts from one device (computer, tablet, laptop, other devices that support the Internet) or IP. Violation is also equated to “Multi-Account” and provides for punishment in the form of blocking without compensation for the money spent on the purchase of Additional Paid Services.

Restrict access to sites for other Users.


Engage in fraud and other illegal activities.

Advertise anything unrelated to the Portal without the written permission of the Operator.

Use profanity, express threats against the Operator or other Users, distribute materials promoting violence, racial hatred, rejection of religious beliefs, containing pornographic information, advertising drugs, calling for the violent overthrow of power.

To carry out anti-advertising of the Portal, including beyond its limits.


The User agrees that his rights and obligations can be changed / supplemented by the Operator, about which he is notified by the contact information provided during registration (or on the Site)


4.4. Operator Rights


This Agreement provides the Operator the following rights:


At any time, at its discretion, unilaterally without prior notice to Users, expand, change, terminate, restrict the provision of Services, as well as Additional Paid Services.

Manage all processes on the Portals solely at proprietary discretion. Suspend, change the course of any processes without first notifying the User.

Apply sanctions to the User in case of violations of this Agreement.

Delete / modify User information posted on the Portals.

Track, save identification and statistical information about the User.

To send users technical, advertising and other information regarding the Portal, the Services and Paid Services.

Inform, warn, make comments, notify the User in case of non-compliance / violation of the terms of this Agreement. All instructions of the Operator must be strictly observed.

Take legal measures to protect their intellectual property.

Modify, modify, supplement the Portal at its discretion, without warning the User in advance.


The Operator’s inaction on violations by the User of this Agreement does not exclude the application of penalties later.


4.5 Operator Responsibilities


As a party to the User Agreement, the Operator must:


To ensure the possibility of the User receiving the Operator's Services within this Portal (including the receipt of Additional Paid Services).

To answer users' questions, in case of disputes, take all measures to resolve them.



4.6 Operator liability limitation


In accordance with this section, the Operator is not responsible for:


Any damage caused or which can only be caused to the User’s personal data and computer in connection with the use of the Portal and the Site.

Losses (direct / indirect) caused to the User in connection with the use or inaccessibility of the Portal (inability to use them), the behavior of third parties on the Portal, as well as other participants in the Portal projects, unauthorized access to the User’s personal data.

Utterance, disseminated information, statements of the User and other illegal actions carried out by him on the Portal and beyond.

Information provided by the User during registration, lost access to the Portal (login, password, etc.).

Loss by the User of acquired virtual values ​​as a result of the provision of Services and Additional Paid Services by the Operator.

Payment by the User for Additional Paid Services and related expenses.

The smooth operation of the Portal.

User features related to Internet access, data transfer speed.


4.7 The operator does not guarantee:


Continuous, reliable, error-free operation of the Portal, access to its resources, Services, including Additional Paid Services.


The fact that the Portal will fully satisfy the requirements and representations of the User.

Compliance of the quality of the Services (Additional Paid Services) with the expectations of the User.

The Operator is not obliged at the request of the User to submit documents and other evidence of a violation (by the User) of this Agreement and the application of penalties / disciplinary sanctions against him.


The User uses the Portal, the Operator’s Website solely at his own risk and at his own free will, without compulsion. He understands the possible risks associated with the use of the resources of the Operator and has no material claims against the Operator.


5. Confidentiality and security


5.1. Confidential information - information received by the operator during the registration of the User on the Site, as well as during visits to the Sites / Portal and participation in the events of the Portal.


5.2. Confidential information is not subject to disclosure and transfer to third parties.


5.3. Personal data may be transmitted by the Operator only in the following cases:


An official request from law enforcement agencies (violation of local and international law).

The personal will of the User.

Inability to use the Services and Additional Paid Services on the Portals (which the User is warned about in advance).


Violations of clauses of this Agreement (at the discretion of the Operator).


5.4. The operator ensures the security of the user's personal data using special software. In case of unauthorized access to the Portal / Website of third parties, the security of personal data is not guaranteed.


6. Additional Paid Services


6.1 By the request of the User, the operator provides him Additional Paid Services. They allow you to use the advanced features of the Portal.


6.2 Additional Paid Services are not a prerequisite for the use of the Portal and participation in the projects of the Portal.


6.3 From the moment of funds withdrawal by the Portal Operator from the User’s account, the additional Paid Service is considered to be provided in full, of appropriate quality.


6.4. After the provision of the Additional Paid Service, the money spent on its purchase is not refundable.


6.5. The User agrees that the Operator has the right to store personal information received during purchasing Additional Paid Services.


6.6. The list of Additional Paid Services and their cost are published only by the Operator on the Site / Portal. Any information and offers to purchase these services on third-party resources are considered fraud, for which the Operator is not responsible.


6.7. The methods and possibility of acquiring Additional Paid Services are explained by the Operator on the Site.


6.8. The Operator does not explain the issues of working with payment systems, with which the User decided to purchase Additional Paid Services, and is also not responsible for their correct operation.


6.9. In case of technical malfunction of the Sites or intentional actions of the User, as well as in other cases when the Additional Paid Services were rendered without full / partial debit of funds from the User’s account, he is obliged to inform the Operator about this fact. After that, the User is obliged to pay off the arrears.


6.10. The Operator does not reimburse funds to the User for unused (partially used) Additional Paid Services.


6.11. The user at his own expense independently bears all financial expenses associated with the acquisition (transfer of money) of Additional Paid Services. This section includes: commissions, fees and other expenses.


6.12. The User guarantees to the Operator that he has all legal powers and rights to conclude this Agreement in terms of Additional Paid Services.


6.13. In the case of the purchase of Additional Paid Services by a User under the age of 18, first he is required to obtain consent to conduct financial transactions from legal representatives. The fact of the purchase of Additional Paid Services is a confirmation of the receipt of such consent from a legal representative. If necessary, the Operator has the right to request written confirmation of consent and the provision of passport data to determine the true age of the User.


6.14. Responsibility for the acquisition of Additional Paid Services rests entirely with the User and his legal representatives.


6.15. Disputes regarding liability for the purchase of Additional Paid Services with the Portal Operator are unacceptable.


6.16. Receiving additional Paid Services by the user is possible only after full payment of their cost.


7. Disclaimer of Warranties





Regardless of the above, nothing in this Agreement will limit liability L2CLASSIC.CLUB PORTAL TO YOU FOR fraudulent misrepresentation, death or personal injury caused by NEGLIGENCE of PORTAL AND LIABILITY FOR ANY OTHER REASONS, IF SUCH LIABILITY CAN NOT BE EXCLUDED OR LIMITED WITHIN THE APPLICABLE LAW.


8. Additional provisions


8.1 If the User does not have the right to use the Portal in accordance with the legislation of his country or there are other restrictions (age tolerance and others), he is obliged to refuse to use the Portal without warning, as well as their separately taken services. The user assumes all responsibility for the use of the Portal in his country, based on local laws and taking into account international law.


8.2 The invalidity of one / several paragraphs / sections of the User Agreement does not entail its invalidity as a whole. In this case, the parties must fulfill their obligations under the remaining clauses / sections of the Agreement.


8.3 Disputes arising between the parties are subject to initial settlement in pre-trial procedure by correspondence between the Operator and the User. In the case of ineffective mediation settlement of disputes, they will be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.4 This Agreement may be amended, supplemented by the Operator without prior notice to the User. Any changes take effect immediately after the publication of the amended version of the Agreement on the Site. In order to avoid contentious issues, the User undertakes to independently verify the text of the Agreement on the Site, where it is freely available. In case of failure to verify the text of the Agreement by the User, this fact cannot serve as a basis for refusing to fulfill the obligations undertaken. The amended version of the Agreement after publication on the Site has the same legal effect with the original text.

9. The user has the right to request a refund, if they have not been used up after replenishing the balance. * A request for refund has to be sent during 7 days after successful payment. ALL PURCHASES AND ACTIVITIES PRODUCED BY THE SERVICE ON THE SITE ARE FINAL AND NON-REFUNDABLE, MONEY NOT REFUNDABLE.
* if there is technical possibility to return a payment transaction from a payment service provider

10. Privacy Policy and Data Protection

Using a website gives your consent to the for the processing of information, including the your personal data provided when using the, namely the data specified in the your Steam account.

Processing of personal data means recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, adjustment (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data not subject to special categories.

The processing of personal data is carried out in order to fulfill the obligations of the Agreement by the Parties, your registration on the Site, transferring items, the sending to you e-mail address of information messages or using push notifications.

You may at any time withdraw consent to the processing of personal data by sending to a corresponding written notice to the address specified in contact information of by registered mail with a receipt acknowledgment. In doing so, you understand that such withdrawal means termination of the Agreement. Farmskins has the right to continue processing your personal data in cases provided by law.

You are agree to receive advertising materials from the, from affiliates or from other persons on behalf of the at the e-mail address specified by you upon registration in Steam or e-mail address specified by you on Consent to receipt of advertising materials may be withdrawn by you at any time by sending to the the relevant written notification to the address specified in contact section of website.

When visiting website, or web server, like any other web server, stores standardized information about your device and the browser used in a log file. We process this data in order to analyze errors on our server and attempts at misuse. In detail, the IP address, the specific address of the page visited by you, if applicable the page from which you reached us (link source), the transmitted identification of the browser, as well as system date and time of the page visit are recorded here. We are not able to link this data to a person unless you provide more information in order to identify you by contact email address in a contact section. Even in these cases, we store the data in separate systems and only merge them in exceptional cases (attempted misuse).

'Cookies' are used on our site. These simplify and accelerate the provisioning of your visit to our website or are necessary to enable you to use our website. If you do not wish our website to store cookies on your computer, you can deactivate the cookie feature in your browser settings or adjust the settings so that you are informed when cookies are used on a website.

You are responsible for any Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through and confirm that they have the third party's consent to provide the Data to the are committed to protecting your privacy and we implement various security measures in relation to our processing and transfer of personal data. However, the nature of the Internet is such that the data may in some circumstances flow over networks without full security measures and could be accessible to unauthorized persons. uses Google Analytics (Google Inc.). Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google utilizes the Data collected to track and examine the use of this website, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services. Google may use the Data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. uses other analytics services, that monitor and analyze your web traffic on a website and can be used to keep track of your behavior on website.




as an administrator of the Website adopts these Terms of Use that specifies User’s rights and obligations and constitute a legally binding agreement for both parties. These Terms of Use affect User’s rights and impose certain obligations while using the Website, so the User must read them carefully.

